Monday, March 3, 2008

IBM unveils optical computing system for moving huge data files

IBM has unveiled a green optical prototype network technology for sharing huge files in seconds.

The technology is designed for sending items such as high-definition medical images, movies and other data in an energy-efficient way, said IBM.

The new technology uses light instead of wires to send information and could allow, for instance, the transmission of eight trillion bits (terabits) per second of information - equivalent to about 5,000 high-definition video streams - using the power of a single 100-watt lightbulb, IBM said.

This kind of bandwidth could drive energy efficiencies in datacentres and speed the sharing of large datasets.

This could involve scientists crunching data to discover new drugs, or to forecast the weather. It could also be used by people sharing high-definition movies between devices and friends, or doctors sending high-definition medical images to a specialist in seconds for diagnoses while the patient is in the office.

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